“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.” The National Curriculum
At Little Gonerby CE Primary Academy we recognise that physical activity and sport are essential parts of a child’s everyday life and are a key factor in their future well-being. We want every child to find enjoyment in physical activity and aim to provide them with a wide range of opportunities so that they can discover the right kind of activity for themselves and experience the benefits that an active lifestyle can provide. We aim to present them with opportunities to compete against themselves and others, work in partnerships and teams, build self-confidence and perseverance and the real sense of achievement that this particular aspect of a child’s education can provide. A key part of this will be to engage their enthusiasm and provide them with the necessary skills and experiences in order for them to be in the best position possible to further engage in physical activity and sporting opportunities as their educational and life journey continues beyond this establishment. Our aim is to prepare and support pupils towards healthy and active lifestyle choices for their future mental and physical well-being.
A key part of our aim is to provide the children with a broad and balanced curriculum within physical education and to provide opportunities for the children to play in festivals and compete in a wide range of events. In doing so, we aim to teach the children to follow the conventions of fair play.
The aims of Physical Education (PE) at our school are that all children:
At Little Gonerby CE Primary Academy we are committed to ensuring that all pupils access and participate in a broad and balanced PE curriculum. This is done through careful lesson planning and adaptive teaching to make sure that all children, including those who have special educational needs, disabilities or English as an additional language are included and engaged.
At Little Gonerby CE Primary Academy PE is taught twice weekly, within Key stages 1 and 2, where a positive attitude to PE is created and expectations reinforced that all children can achieve success in PE. The subject is delivered by our Sports Apprentice, class teachers or specialist sports coaches.
We teach lessons so that children:
Our Long-Term Curriculum Plan identifies the breadth and depth of the activities delivered across the school to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum and to allow the children to experience a wide range of sporting and active opportunities. Additionally, within KS1 and KS2 core tasks are a key part of the learning process, ensuring children are given the opportunity to practise skills and build on from previous learning experiences.
We recognise the importance of physical development in the Early Years Foundation Stage as a key area of learning. There are two strands under Physical Development: Moving and Handling and Health and Self-care
Children in the EYFS access time and space to enjoy energetic play daily in the outdoor learning area. The children also access specific physical development through timetabled PE lessons in Reception (in preparation for Year 1) which give the children the opportunity to learn and practice fundamental movement skills. They participate in activities where they can practice moving in different ways and at different speeds; balancing; rolling; throwing balls and bean bags; catching and kicking.
Within Key Stage one children develop their fundamental movement skills through a range of activities and opportunities, where children work individually in pairs or in groups. We cover key aspects such as gymnastics, dance, games and athletics. We follow the National Curriculum for P.E. in Key Stage 1.
When children leave Key Stage 1 we expect them to be able to:
We follow the National Curriculum for P.E. within Key Stage 2. Children continue to apply and develop a range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movements. They continue to use the skills individually but also develop cooperation through games. This will include a further focus on choices and tactics within a game. We explore a wide range of sports and activities such as dance, gymnastics, athletics, O.A.A. and a range of games skills. Children also learn to swim while in Key Stage 2.
When children leave Key Stage 2 we expect them to be able to:
In addition, we have the key swimming targets:
Extra-Curricular Learning
A range of activities are offered outside of the curriculum to both key stages. Some of these are led by school staff while others are led by visiting coaches. These can include lunchtime or after school opportunities. We look to provide a wide range of sporting opportunities and experiences and recognise the value this has in promoting healthy lifestyle choices. We also see this as a key goal in providing the opportunity for children to explore different sports and finding the sports and activities which appeal to them.
The school, at times, uses coaches to provide extra-curricular opportunities and to team-teach in lessons (helping to up-skill and support teachers). All coaches are DBS checked as well as having their sporting qualifications checked by the school.
We do look to provide as many competitive opportunities as possible and see the value in introducing the children to a wide range of different sports and sporting experiences.
PE is taught as a basis for life-long learning. We believe that a successful PE curriculum where children have access to a range of activities and have a positive, successful experience will then create children who will continue to have a physically active life. They will also have a good understanding of what a healthy, active life is like and the benefits of leading one.
Opportunities to compete in sport and other challenging activities will build character and help embed values such as fairness, respect and teamwork. Children should be prepared for the next step in their learning and life journey and in a position to participate fully in the sporting and active opportunities in education and beyond.
PE Kit
Children are expected and encouraged to wear appropriate PE clothing.
Missing PE
Children should take part in PE wherever possible. If a parent feels a child is unable to take part, then a letter or a phone call should be received by the school explaining why. The child should then, if possible, observe and support with roles during the lesson so they are aware of and understand the learning taking place for future lessons.
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