Little Gonerby Church of England Primary Academy has high expectations in relation to children's attendance. This is because for children to receive a wide education and achieve their full potential, they must be at school regularly and on time. Government research shows that there is a strong link between regular school attendance and academic achievement.
The Government advise that an attendance rate of less than 95% in one academic year will have detrimental effect on a child's education. One week off school will affect your child's attendance by 2.64%. It is the schools expectation that children will have an attendance rate in excess of 95%.
Attendance team:
Mrs Gallaher - Attendance Champion
Mrs Gray - Administrator
Mr Hawkins - Headteacher
We are available to meet with parents to discuss any problems that could be preventing your child attending school. They can be contacted via the school office.
For an explanation of the new attendance rules from September 2024, Lincolnshire County Council have created a useful guide which can be found here:
If your child's attendance is less than 95%, you will receive an attendance letter including the summary of your child's attendance. We do understand that children occasionally get poorly but we ask that you do your best to encourage them into school and work with us if there is an issue or a longer term illness. Children who miss school regularly can very quickly fall behind and begin to find keeping up with their work difficult. If you have any worries at all about attendance, please do come and speak to us, or click on the link below for advise from the NHS 'is my child too ill for school?'
If you think your child is too ill to attend school, please telephone the school on 01476 564112 to let us know. If your child is absent for more than one day, please contact us each day to let us know they are still poorly.
School Holidays
From the 1st September 2013 changes were made to the law which relates to parents/carers taking their children on holiday during term time. The change in legislation indicates that Head Teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless they consider there to be exceptional circumstances. The amendment in the law removed all references to family holidays.
The Trust are no longer able to grant parents/carers time off to take their children on holiday.
If you consider there are exceptional circumstances to support taking your child out of school a Request for Leave form should be completed and handed in at the school office. This must be supported by documentary evidence for our Attendance team to consider.
Absences during SATs and examination periods will not be authorised and all unauthorised absences will be reported to the Attendance team.
If the school are concerned about your child’s attendance rate you will be notified and the appropriate actions taken to improve this. Ultimately the school reserves the right to contact Lincolnshire County Council who hold the powers to issues penalty notices (fines) and/or prosecute parents for failing to ensure their child’s regular attendance at school.
The Requests for Leave must be completed and returned to the school office prior to the period of absence; please give the school as much notice as possible of your request. The application will be considered carefully and we will notify you of the school’s decision within 10 working days. We strongly advise that no leave of absence is booked prior to receiving a decision from the school.
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