We want to support the school community to promote a whole-school culture of compassion, respect and honesty to combat any bullying of any kind.
Your views and support is essential to the school getting this right.
We would be grateful if you could read the draft Anti-Bullying Policy and complete the feedback form. Your responses will help inform the final version of this policy.
Please click on this link or scan the QR code to provide feedback on the new Anti-Bullying Policy:
Not all situations in which children are involved in conflict or relationship difficulties can be classed as bullying. Knowing how to identify and respond to relational issues is part of being able to respond effectively to bullying.
Here is an easy read Anti-Bullying Policy we have prepared to help you understand what bullying is.
If you have any concerns about bullying at Little Gonerby School, please complete this form:
Children can experience a form of bullying in any context, but some groups of children are more at risk of bullying because they may identify as, or are perceived to be, 'different' from their peers including being targeted because of this. The following resources are provided for children who would be considered as being in an at-risk group.
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