New Starters/Transition

New Starters Information - September 2024 

Welcome to our fantastic Church school! We are incredibly excited to be welcoming our next Reception class to school. We know that this can be a daunting time for the children (and parents!), but our staff will help to reassure you. We have a truly wonderful school where we are certain all children will flourish under our distinctive Christian vision & values. 


We have been given an OUTSTANDING judgement from Ofsted for our EYFS (September 2023).


Reception New Starters - September 2024


You should have received a welcome letter from us, where you will find some key information about our New Starters Evening. This is scheduled for Monday 17th June from 4:30pm. We can't wait to meet you then. We are soon sending out more comprehensive welcome packs to our new children too - please keep an eye out for these.


In addition to the new starters evening, our EYFS team will be carrying out transition meetings with the nurseries - Mrs Shepherd (EYFS Teacher) has already started some of these. This will provide an opportunity for the children to meet the EYFS staff and get to know them. 



Our school uniform can be seen here:


There is no requirement to buy branded uniform with the school logo on, however on the Nationwide School Uniforms website above you will see an indication of the type of uniform required. Alternatively, you will see the range of school uniform below (prices accurate as of 2023).



Lincolnshire County Council - applying for school places


National offers day: 16th April 2024

Deadline for appeals: 14th May 2024


Here are the key dates that you will need to know when applying for a school place in Lincolnshire:




Our school uniform can be purchased here:

Menu for New Starters

All our meals are funded under the government's Universal Infant Free School Meals initiative and are therefore free for your child.  Meals are cooked on site, using fresh, local ingredients and conform to the food standards.  If you would like more information about our lovely tasty meals please contact our Head Chef, Adele Tuohy by email at or call 01476 564112 between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm.

Example Menu

Allergen Information

Please contact our Head Chef, Adele Tuohy, for further information regarding the ingredients used in our meals.  She can be contacted on 01476 564112 between 8.30 am and 2.30 pm or alternatively email her at

School Transport

If your child is starting primary school or transferring to secondary school in September 2024 they may be eligible for school transport.  If you think your child is eligible please apply for transport as soon as you have your offer of a school place (1 March for secondary school or 17 April for primary).  Applications can be made online at the website below or a telephone application can be made by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 01522 782020.


For more information about the home to school transport policy and online applications please go to   Queries can be emailed to

Foreign Nationals


Foreign national children residing in the UK normally have the right to attend schools in England which are:

  • state-funded
  • independent

To lawfully enter the country to access a school, foreign national children residing outside the UK will typically need either:

  • right of abode
  • an immigration status which otherwise permits them to enter the UK to study at a school.


Checking eligibility for a school place

Parents of foreign national children are responsible for checking that their children have a right to study at a school under the UK entry conditions. They should do this before applying for a place.

It is not the role of state-funded schools or local authorities to ask for proof of eligibility before offering a place.

If foreign nationals outside the UK want to enter the UK to study at an independent school with a licensed student sponsor, they should contact the school directly. If it accepts the application, it will send them a reference number called a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). Parents will need a CAS before applying for their child’s visa. They cannot enter to study at schools which are not licensed student sponsors.

Parents can find more information on - visas and immigration.


Parents are reminded to ensure their child holds the correct entry visa before making a school application. If a school or the local authority has concerns about a particular child’s immigration status they will refer the case to the Home Office.