Infinity Academies Trust Curriculum Principles
•To deliver a contextually ambitious curriculum for all pupils that goes beyond the National Curriculum
•To ensure that all pupils have the knowledge and cultural capital they require to succeed in Modern Britain and in their next stage of education
•To ensure year on year that our children understand the key knowledge they are learning and the skills they are developing in order to know more, remember more and do more
•To ensure the curriculum design is well-researched, well-planned and effectively implemented so that each week's learning sequences are clear
•To ensure that the learning environment focuses on the children and supports the delivery of the curriculum both in and beyond the classroom
Jesus said ‘I have come that you may have life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). He calls us to a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit. Therefore we believe the purpose of education is to nurture and enable every child to thrive and to be the person they are fully capable of being.
Our curriculum for life in all its fullness is designed to equip children to be curious and confident independent learners but also responsible, resilient and caring citizens in their community. As they leave Little Gonerby Academy, we want every child to be ready to take on the next steps in their journey to adulthood with a love of learning, positive attitudes and a rounded set of values and skills to guide them.
We recognise that the curriculum encompasses everything children experience at school. Whilst our curriculum will promote high standards and accelerate academic progress, it is also about uncovering and nurturing the talents within each child, developing core values and virtues, growth mindsets and essential skills for life. Learning is closely linked to our emotions, we learn best when we feel safe and happy, so as we state in our Aims, the curriculum is also about promoting happiness and fun!
If you require any further clarification on our curriculum please contact the Academy for details.
Our Values were developed by the whole school community, are rooted in the teaching of Jesus and underpin everything we do. Values are promoted through subject curriculums especially Personal Wellbeing, Collective Worship and everyday interactions. Adults consistently model the Values and we celebrate children displaying our Values through praise and rewards.
Here are some quotes from the children about each Value
Respect - 'Respect is treating everyone the same' 'We listen when people talk to us, we say kind words'
Compassion - 'God cares about everyone and so should we', 'sharing, helping each other'
Honesty - 'Honesty is not covering up the truth', 'be honest with yourself as well as other people'
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