Academy Governor - Mary Lodge
I have been a governor at Little Gonerby Infants' School since 2003, and was pleased to take on this voluntary responsibility in order to do something positive for the school that gave my daughter such an excellent start to her formal education 25 years ago. I have served on several of the governor sub-committees and am currently chair of the Teaching and Learning sub-committee. I feel that this is where my expertise lies as my professional experience is in teaching. I have an MA in English Literature and taught in comprehensive and grammar schools in Nottingham and Grantham for 24 years. For 3 years, I lectured American undergraduates at the University of Evansville Harlaxton Manor campus, and also taught students for whom English was a second language. Although my teaching experience has been with older children, it was essential for me to keep up to date with changes to the junior curriculum. A child's first experience of education is crucial to his or her future academic achievement. I feel privileged to be able to offer what I can to support this happy, thriving school which provides children with an excellent education in a caring community in their early years.
Mary Lodge
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