Academy Governor – Rob Hearmon
I first became involved in primary education whilst working in the Arabian Gulf in the early 1970s when a group of parents came together to establish a small school led by an experienced expatriate headmistress working to UK standards and curricula. Happily that acorn grew into a tree which remains today. It was inevitable, therefore, that, when I came to Grantham in 1987, to work for a Church of England Missionary Society, I would become involved in the life of the St. Wulfram’s Church of England (Aided) Schools. This group was wound up following decisions of central government and from September 1999, Little Gonerby struck out on its own.
It has been a privilege to be chairman of the Governors of Little Gonerby School for the 14 years that have passed since then. During that time I have been fortunate to work with two gifted Headteachers, dedicated staff, both teaching and non-teaching, and to have had the support of talented governors as we have sought to offer the highest quality of education to the over 800 children who have passed through the school since September 1999. The journey leading to our present Academy status has been exciting and challenging but the reward as a governor remains in being part of the preparation of young people for the road ahead.
I remain committed to the particular value that an Infant School such as Lt Gonerby offers to its pupils and I look forward to my final year as a governor supporting the enthusiasm and vision which the new leadership of the Governors will bring to the ongoing development of the school.
Rob Hearmon
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